Thursday, 29 July 2010

Bar Runner

Ok, after suggestions from colleagues/fellow drinkers from the mighty fine bar Pavarotti in Drammen, Norway, I've decided to keep them posted on the progress in my preparation for my first marathon ever.

That's right, I'm doing it this autumn in Oslo. I'm excited. And really nervous. Because this gang of regular drinkers and excessive drunkards will rip me a new one if I fail to do what my loud mouth is certain I can do.

It was an idea conceived in a haze of beer, and probably some rum, last year. An English gentleman and frequent patron of the establishment revealed that he ran 3-4 half marathons a year, to my slight disbelief. So of course the former football(soccer) player had to come with an alcohol-induced boast and volunteer to run with him on the next one.

After nursing a headache and a slimmer wallet, the only memory that was left from that night at Pavarotti Bar was the promise to run a half marathon that coming autumn.

Since the frequent english patron smoked quite heavily, was 40ish and, well, being a regular customer to a bar - with all the implications that brings to mind - I thought, "If he can do that, then sure as hell I can do it too."

So with all the beer going out of my system I went out and bought new running shoes to put my money where my idiotic big mouth was. After many grueling and nipple-burning miles later I finished the half marathon in 2:05:17, not bad, but with lots of room for improvement. Even though I was aching like I have never ached before I knew I had a new obsession along with beer, rum and all that is good - and that I would definitely do another one. Maybe a full one.

So heres to promises kept and beer-fueled tales long forgotten: I'm doing the full marathon this year. For Aass beer(pronounced Os, not, well, you know;) and Drammens best bar, Pavarotti. For love, for God, for King and Country... I'll try to keep you posted on the progress and will be grateful for any well-wishing, ideas, advices or feedback.


Oh, and of course, causes, sponsors or even slogans -especially funny ones - would be cool...

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